Loan Ready Credit
Loan Ready Credit - About
Credit is important. Having an accurate credit report can make the difference between being approved or being denied a mortgage loan. Unfortunately, there are many errors, inaccuracies and non-verifiable information contained on credit reports. These errors could be the tipping point for make-or-break decisions from lenders on whether or not they can approve an otherwise, qualified buyer. We correct these errors and inaccuracies legitimately.
We are experts in understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which states that the information contained on your credit report must be clear of any inaccurate, misleading, or non-verifiable information. Using the Fair Credit Reporting Act as our authority, we work diligently to correct the errors that pose a significant risk to our clients.
Consumers are legally allowed to dispute and request validation on information they believe may be inaccurate or incorrect. Unfortunately, the credit system has never been easy to navigate for most consumers and knowing where to lay the first brick can often be a challenge. We give our clients a fair shake when it comes to credit optimization, and have the expertise to know how to correctly identify these errors. After a free consultation, our clients can leave the heavy lifting to us, following a credit plan that will guide them to credit optimization.